keep off - traduction vers grec
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keep off - traduction vers grec


keep off         
μένω μακριά, κρατώ κάτω
take off         
Take-off; Take-Off; Take off (disambiguation); Take Off; Takeoff (disambiguation); Take Off (song); Take Off (film); Take Off (album); Take Off (EP)
v. αναχώρηση, απογείωση
close down         
  • ARD]] as heard in 1993 (in German).
  • [[Indian-head test pattern]] used in North America
  • Sign-off from the [[Soviet Central Television]] at the end of the day with the anthem
Sign-off; Sign-on; Closedown; Signoff; Close down; Sign off; Sign on; Sign-on (broadcast); Sign-off (broadcast); Signon; Indian Lord's Prayer; Sign-on & sign-off


to earn one's keep
1) (D; tr.) ('to have') to keep about (esp. BE), around (do you keep a screwdriver around the house?)
2) (d; intr.) to keep after ('to keep persuading') (keep after the children; they are still too untidy)
3) (d; tr.) to keep at ('to hold') (she kept them at their studies)
4) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep for (the librarian will keep the book for you)
5) (d; intr., refl.) to keep from ('to refrain') (she could not keep from talking)
6) (d; tr.) ('to conceal') to keep from (to keep a secret from smb.)
7) (d; tr.) ('to hold back'); ('to prevent') to keep from (the rain kept us from going; don't keep her from her work)
8) (d; intr.) ('to remain') to keep off (keep off the grass)
9) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep off (keep the children off the street)
10) (d; intr.) ('to remain') to keep out of (keep out of my way; I kept out of their quarrel)
11) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep out of (keep the guests out of the house)
12) (d; intr.) ('to be confined') to keep to (she kept to her room)
13) (d; intr.) ('to continue') to keep to (to keep to the right)
14) (D; tr.) ('to reserve') to keep to (to keep a secret to oneself)
15) (G) ('to continue') she kept reading
16) (J) ('to cause') he kept us waiting
17) (N; used with an adjective, noun, past participle) (to maintain'); ('to hold') she kept us busy; they kept him prisoner; the fire kept us warm; she kept the children amused with her stories
18) (P; intr., tr.) ('to continue'); ('to hold') to keep right; to keep a car in a garage
19) (s) ('to remain') to keep quiet; to keep warm


Keep Off

Keep Off (Dutch: Afblijven) is a 2006 Dutch children's film, based on the children's novel Afblijven by Carry Slee. The film, much like the book, explores drug abuse by adolescents and the negative effects it has on their lives.

The film received a Golden Film (100,000 visitors).

Exemples de prononciation pour keep off
1. "Keep off the dirigible plums. "
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (2010)
2. Karan has authored three novels-- "Keep Off the Grass"
The Yoga of Max's Discontent _ Karan Bajaj _ Talks at Google
3. The cat learns over time to keep off the counter.
SparkFun Electronics _ Nathan Seidle _ Talks at Google
4. if you've struggled to keep off weight that you lost,
Eating Lab - The Science of Weight Loss _ Traci Mann _ Talks at Google
5. Red and white tape, fencing, Keep Off the Grass signs.
Pippa Evans _ Improv Your Life _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour keep off
1. The patient was advised to keep off the computers for a long time.
2. has said land mines continue to keep off limits large patches of fertile soil in Afghanistan.
3. With chants of "Death to Bush!", they warned the international community to keep off the case.
4. Worcester Cricket Club is awash, with only a sign reading ‘keep off the grass‘ peeking above the water line.
5. If individual fights well to keep off the invasion forces of HIV/AIDS, the whole problem can be effectively controlled.